Having looked through the posts on Maple Primes, I found a suggestion to insert MapleTA assignments into webpages. So, I flipped over to Wikispaces and tried it out. A little bit of detective work on the page locations, I got it to work. Since you can set MapleTA assignments to be anonymous, MapleTA will merely produced the questions and not record anything in the gradebook. Using the EMBED tool and the code below students can practice at whim: Remember of course, to change the square brackets to the corresponding angle brackets! [IFRAME SRC="http:// server /mapleta/modules/test.Test?className= classname &testName= testname " TITLE="MapleTA" WIDTH='100%' HEIGHT=600][/IFRAME] This follows closely on the heels of embedding GeoGebra into Wikispaces: [applet name="ggbApplet" code="geogebra.GeoGebraApplet" archive="geogebra.jar" codebase="http://www.geogebra.org/webstart/3.2/" width="884" height="612...
...not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. J. Dewey