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Showing posts from July, 2010

Changing directions

(I thought I should squeeze this in given a link from a popular blog, Continuous Everywhere .) I closed off my teaching this June for a year; in the fall I'll be returning to life as a PhD student at OISE, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. I'll be working in the Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development program -- two big areas of interest for me. Stay tuned for updates. I'll hopefully have considerably more time to write & reflect. The only external responsibilities I've kept are the Auxiliary, the ECOO conference in November and PCMI , of course. For me, that's not a lot. And I'll be commuting in on the GO train (public transit) so there will be about 90 minutes of downtime each day in which to put pen to paper (electronic, that is). I'm looking forward to have the time to "think deeply of simple things". My focus will be on teacher development, an interest developed over my time with the fo...