Since organization is important when visiting an incredibly packed conference like the annual National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), I thought I would share my approach to that using OneNote. You can visit it here: How did I do it? First, I visited and signed in with my Microsoft Account. If you don't have a Microsoft Account (1) they're free and (2) you can make any email into a Microsoft Account login, so you're not creating a new email. It's just another identity provider, like Google, Facebook or Twitter. There's a (very small) button to add a new OneNote Notebook on the OneNote website -- this is also where you can get at all of your notebooks, both those you created and those that have been shared with you.I named the OneNote "NCTM 2018" .. it comes created with a Section called "Quick Notes" and a first page. Now, every one of my browsers have the OneNote Web...
...not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. J. Dewey