So as soon as I posted the previous blog on changing permissions , I was asked how I would create a Digital Portfolio section inside the student's section; that is, a section that the teacher can add content to but the student can't change. (Yes, it's not the full spirit of a DP but it has aspects of the footprints of a DP.) It's a bit of a challenge to get at the files (and there's likely a quicker way) but here's how I get at it... Go to your site. As I mentioned in the previous blog, when you first look at OneNote notebooks in Sharepoint/Office365, they appear to be one single file. They're not, though ... what we're seeing is analogous to a zip file and we need to see the individual files inside. Each section in the Notebook is an actual file so we can base our permissions on each tab. So... how to get to the files? There likely is an easier way... but here goes. Head on over to your site and click on the Gear for Site Contents. You...
...not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. J. Dewey