Continuing on the Microsoft Expert Educator suggestion to make 5-tips-articles here's one on Yammer. Yammer is part of Office365 and is free to schools, faculty and students as part of their free Office365 subscriptions. On first glance, and in general discussion with faculty and students, its best approximation is a social networking conversation space like Facebook. So why not just use Facebook? For Facebook there is the explicit danger of using a personal space for professional work between & amongst students and teachers, Instead, Yammer is built in to the Office365 structure (so security and consistency of passwords). And, for the data hungry, Yammer allows you to do analysis on the posts (everything can be downloaded into Excel) -- we're looking forward to a longitudinal analysis of student writing as we move year-to-year.. 5 ideas on how to maximize Yammer's effectiveness: 1) Use Yammer school wide for announcement and discussions. Email is notor...
...not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. J. Dewey