So it's pretty common that folks use Google Forms to create an automatically graded assessment. Now, I have to admit, as a mathematics teacher I don't do a lot of fixed-response assessments like this that need automatic grading. But that doesn't mean it isn't a useful option. In fact this post arises not from automatic grading but rather a situation in our Psychology course. The teachers were doing a study with their students and wanted to collect the data easily and run a T- Test with as little work as possible. (A t-test, roughly speaking, determines whether two groups are different from each other.) We set up an Excel Survey for the students to enter their results and then in a second sheet in the spreadsheet containing the Survey, we laid out the T-Test. As the results came in, the T-Test continually re-evaluated. Success! I figured if it can work for a T-Test, it can work for a simple multiple-choice, True/False or simple word respons...
...not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. J. Dewey