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Showing posts from December, 2015

Auto-Grading an Office365 Excel Survey Assessment

So it's pretty common that folks use Google Forms to create an automatically graded assessment.  Now, I have to admit, as a mathematics teacher I don't do a lot of fixed-response assessments like this that need automatic grading.  But that doesn't mean it isn't a useful option. In fact this post arises not from automatic grading but rather a situation in our Psychology course.  The teachers were doing a study with their students and wanted to collect the data easily and run a T- Test with as little work as possible.  (A  t-test, roughly speaking, determines whether two groups are different from each other.) We set up an Excel Survey for the students to enter their results and then in a second sheet in the spreadsheet containing the Survey, we laid out the T-Test.  As the results came in, the T-Test continually re-evaluated.  Success! I figured if it can work for a T-Test, it can work for a simple multiple-choice, True/False or simple word respons...

Playing with Permissions in the OneNote Class Notebook: In French

This follows on the hacking work done with OneNote Class Notebook - including adding a digital portfolio and a private planning area for teachers in the Content section . My amazing colleague Anjuli Ahooja is an active participant with  Science On Stage.  As a result of a workshop in Europe last year, she began a collaboration with a school in France. Two of her classes have been combined with a class of the French teacher.  In order to have collaboration easily between the two different physical and temporal spaces, we use the OneNote Class Notebook.   Each of Anjuli's students here in Canada was teamed up with a French student -- this couple will work together on a project. We ran the OneNote Class Notebook app to create the initial OneNote Notebook, setting Anjuli and the French teacher as co-teachers (so that they can see all the content in every student's section as well as modify the Content Library teacher section) and enrolled each of our (English)...