So everything we do is in OneNote. Everything. But we (okay, me) are trying to break out into other tools and that includes Microsoft Teams and their Assignment workflow. What I tried was this: 1) In a Word document we wrote about what they had to do and how they would be assessed. Parenthetically -- Word works GREAT with Teams! I have a Channel in our Math Department Team for our MPM2D course and we created the Word document in there and then collaboratively edited it on our own devices at our own pace. I prefer to use my desktop at home and when I opened Word, it went to Teams on its own and grabbed the file and I could continue to edit. Nice! 2) Then I went to the TEAM for my course and created an Assignment. Now, Teams lets you assign an Assignment to more than one section at a time, which is nice cuz I've got 3. This got posted to their Assignments page and they were off! Okay, it was a little funny; this was the first time I had given them an As...
...not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. J. Dewey