It often takes folks a bit to get used to OneNote because there are no "files" -- there are only pages, like a Binder, and everything is placed on a page. So, when students do their work and present it for feedback, it's on a page. What's great is you don't have to find, open and manage all those files -- all the student work is already stored & organized inside of OneNote for you. When it comes to group work, we have the same luxury. In the Collaboration Space, I create a Section for the activity -- usually I title it with the date and the name of the activity. Then, I create the first page (or two) with the instructions for the activity ( Opening Day Activity in the example above -- we start in the Collab on Day One so they can get used to "playing" inside the OneNote) and any templates or rubric as subpages ( How to give feedback and CopyThisPage in the example above). Each group (or each student -- this work for individual activ...
...not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. J. Dewey