So I mentioned that one of the apps inside of Office365, Delve , is my best friend in a previous post - mostly because it's an intelligent agent that helps me prioritize (and find) things I should be working on. If you haven't clicked on the Waffle in Office365 and then clicked on the Delve button, you should stop reading and try it now! Beside the intelligence behind what you see, Delve has another layer to help you and your students keep things together: the Board. The Board helps you deal with a "Shared with Me" that has gone out of control (well, to be fair, it goes out of control because you're using the Cloud effectively, so that's a good thing). When you see documents in Delve that "go together" you can pin them to a Board, allowing you to create a page of documents all on a particular project. What you see below you is what I see this morning when I click on "Me" (Cal Armstrong) ... it shows the two documents we used schoo...
...not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. J. Dewey